Miscarriage Prevention And After Care

Virtual Event Virtual Event

💠Points we will cover 💠

👉What are the major reasons of miscarriage ?

👉How to try to prevent it ?

👉Garbhsanskar and Spiritual aspect

👉What to be taken care after miscarriage ?

Coffee Painting

Virtual Event Virtual Event


⚜️Pencil / eraser
⚜️Coffee pouch (Nestle)
⚜️Brushes 0 number and flat 4
⚜️Water palate
⚜️Rough cloth
⚜️Rough paper
⚜️A4 size Drawing paper(Don't use the one from your kit)
⚜️black thin permanent marker
⚜️ Rounder

Note : The image will be shared soon , which needs to be traced or drawn free hand on the drawing paper

Saraswati Sadhna

Virtual Event Virtual Event

🄳🅁🄴🅂🅂 🄲🄾🄳🄴 Only in White clean and washed clothes


⚜️Saraswati mata photo/murti/yantra
⚜️Laving(cloves 27piece )
⚜️Small sugar piece (27 piece)
⚜️Rice (10grms)
⚜️vaskshep (20grms)
⚜️Dhoop (with ghee & 2 to 3 stick)
⚜️ 4 small size zip lock bag

Trilok Tirth Vandna – Part 3

Virtual Event Virtual Event

इस भाग में आप जानेंगे
1. 14 राजलोक दिखता कैसा है ?
2. तिर्च्छा लोक यानी की हम जो पृथ्वी मानते है वह कैसी है ?
3. अढी द्वीप (two & half island) कहाँ है और हम जो देरासर में स्वस्तिक बनाते है उससे क्या संबंध है ?
4. जंबू द्वीप की geography देखेंगे - उसमे कितने पर्वत और कितने क्षेत्र है ?
5. महाविदेह क्षेत्र कैसा दिखता है ?
6. सीमंधरस्वामी भगवान exactly कहाँ पर है ?

PASSCODE - 345811

Breastfeeding And Me

Virtual Event Virtual Event

💠Topics covered💠

👉Tips for lactation period

👉How to solve common issues

👉Try to focus on nutrition

👉How to balance day and night feed

Event Series Jiv Vichar

Jiv Vichar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

💠Topics covered💠

🔘Why to learn jeev vichar ?

🔘What we are going to learn in jiv vichar ?

🔘How it is beneficial to yourself & baby in the womb?

🔘How many types of living beings in this universe?

🔘How to save ourself from killing small creatures of Universe?

You will get all answer in these sessions.

Event Series Jiv Vichar

Jiv Vichar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

💠Topics covered💠

🔘Why to learn jeev vichar ?

🔘What we are going to learn in jiv vichar ?

🔘How it is beneficial to yourself & baby in the womb?

🔘How many types of living beings in this universe?

🔘How to save ourself from killing small creatures of Universe?

You will get all answer in these sessions.

Event Series Jiv Vichar

Jiv Vichar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

💠Topics covered💠

🔘Why to learn jeev vichar ?

🔘What we are going to learn in jiv vichar ?

🔘How it is beneficial to yourself & baby in the womb?

🔘How many types of living beings in this universe?

🔘How to save ourself from killing small creatures of Universe?

You will get all answer in these sessions.

Event Series Jiv Vichar

Jiv Vichar

Virtual Event Virtual Event

💠Topics covered💠

🔘Why to learn jeev vichar ?

🔘What we are going to learn in jiv vichar ?

🔘How it is beneficial to yourself & baby in the womb?

🔘How many types of living beings in this universe?

🔘How to save ourself from killing small creatures of Universe?

You will get all answer in these sessions.


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